Mid-Atlantic BioTherapeutics (MABT) was founded in 2011 with the mission of eradicating terrible infectious diseases using a novel, patented technology platform called IMT504. IMT504 harnesses the body’s own immune response to fight off infections that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to treat. IMT504 has shown impressive results in animal safety and efficacy models, and in humans.

IMT504 is a truly revolutionary, proprietary molecule with an impressive safety and immunostimulatory profile in humans and multiple primate models. The immune system-based therapy that IMT504 uses is called “immunotherapy”. Our focus on immunotherapy offers partnering and collaboration opportunities in the area of Infectious Disease applications.

Fundamentally, we are a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company focused on the clinical development and commercialization of a novel anti-infective therapeutic approach, which is immunotherapy for infectious diseases. We are actively addressing the growing antibiotic resistance problems and creating a revolutionary treatment paradigm for viral diseases (eg, Tamiflu alternative for influenza), emerging infectious diseases and biodefense. In addition, MABT is the first company to have received a valuable regulatory incentive called Orphan Drug Designation for late-stage rabies disease. Orphan Drug Designation offers a unique opportunity for ensuring a more rapid, efficient pathway to FDA approval and extended market exclusivity.

Since the company’s inception, the founders have been responsible for funding the development of the IMT504 technology platform, investing over $12M to date. They continue to invest in this promising new therapy.